Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Poetry Slam Planning Meeting - 12/1/08

We sent a proposal to hold a poetry slam to Mr. Hook and Ms. Saldana. We're waiting on approval. We will meet briefly on Monday after school to discuss next steps for planning this event.

All book club members are welcome!!!!!

Here is a poetry event checklist
Published by Arlene Badillo, Barb Bolser, and Melanie Lyttle for LIS 406 Youth Services Librarianship (2003)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

First annual poetry slam?

During our last meeting one of the members came up with the idea of having an annual poetry slam hosted by the book club. There have been discussions and planning with this idea and with the approval of the administration, this idea is ready for take off! But this also comes with the help of the book club members and the support of CHSAS students. An informal oral survey has been taken to see if students (mostly freshman) would attend the poetry slam. The question asked was, "If the book club hosted a poetry slam with music, good poetry, and FREE FOOD, would you come?" More than half of the students asked said "yes" and/or "maybe." It seemed as if the students only heard the "free food" part but that being said, we believe the poetry slam is a great idea and will be a success. A proposal to Mr. Hook and Ms. Saldana is being worked on and will most likely be ready by Monday. Please try to come to at least one of the meetings before December 9th and 12th. Hopefully, we have your full support in making this a great experience!

Keep your fingers crossed!

Morgan, MDBC Member

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stacie & Cole Online Discussion

So what did you think of Stacie & Cole?

This week we are asking members to:

(1) post a comment with a discussion question about the book,
(2) start a discussion by sharing your perspective on the question, and
(3) end your post with the question, "So what do you think?"

For example (see comment):

Monday, November 17, 2008

Upcoming Meetings & Book Selection - November 2008

Our next meetings will be held on:

Friday, November 21st
Monday, November 24th

Our next book selection is

Stacie & Cole
by RM Johnson

Friday, November 14, 2008

Vote for Book Club Agenda & Bylaws

From 11/3/08 meeting; reviewed at 11/14/08 meeting.

Suggestions for organizing book club meetings:
  1. start meeting by setting the agenda
  2. review old business
  3. review new business
  4. book discussion (45 min.)

Suggested guidelines/bylaws
  1. Let others talk without "bugging" in
  2. No swearing
  3. No putting others down
  4. No racist or sexist comments aloud
  5. Be coll to everyone (don't pretend you don't know outside of book club)
  6. Keep personal stuff to self
  7. Don't be hating
  8. Let it all out (in a good way)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Final Comments & Minutes for "The Book Thief"

Hi all book club members! We held two meetings for Mark Zusak's "The Book Thief."

November 3: Lonnie, Amber, Kelsey, James, Shamari
Notes posted for the meeting held on Nov. 3rd
---Members reviewed some do's & dont's for holding book club meetings and discussed the creation some discussion guidelines (see post titled "Discussion Guidelines").
---A deep conversation took place about the book, with students (attending on 11/3) sharing some great ins
ight about their interpretation of the novel and its characters.

November 14: Jazmin, Octavia, Myesha, Morgan, Rochelle
Notes posted for the meeting held on Nov. 14th
---Members reviewed the discussion guideline notes from the November 3rd meeting.
---The general consensus was that members (attending on 11/14) had a hard time connecting with the book.
---But not to fret, members enjoyed reading poetry from, Angst!: Teen Verses From the Edge! by Karen Tom, Matt Frost, and Kiki, and discussed the possibility of the book club hosting a "poetry slam." at CHSAS (more info to come).

Don't forget to post your comments and favorite quotes about "The Book Thief" to the post titled:

"So what did you think about the book thief?"

For those who did not make one of the past to meetings, "we missed you!"

The Book Thief Trailer

So, what did you think about The Book Thief?

What did you think about The Book Thief?

Bring your thoughts, comments, discussion questions to the next meeting.

Monday, November 3, 2008

CAUTION the following link contains a spoiler

Read this only after you have read the book!

A big "hello" to all the Mayor Daley book club members!

A big "hello" to all the Mayor Daley book club members!
Here are some notes from our Tuesday and Wednesday meetings.

Book Club Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 attendance:
Olivia, Bobbie, Octavia, Kelsey, Rochelle, Aleshia, Myesha

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 attendance:
Lonnie, Amber, Katie, Morgan, James, Denisse

Upcoming Meeting Times and Dates
We will meet
Monday, November 3, 2008, and
Friday, November 14, 2008
During both meetings we will discuss the The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak
We will not meet this Friday, October 31, 2008
  • It was hard to select one day where everyone can make it, so for now, we will meet on one Monday and one Friday each month so that everyone can participate. It will not be necessary to attend both meetings.
  • Pick Monday or Friday, whichever day works for you; try to stick to the same same day going forward.
  • Starting next semester, we will work to narrow down the meeting to one day.