Thursday, December 11, 2008

Next Planning Meeting - 11/1508

Our next Poetry Event planning meeting will be:

Monday, December 15th @ 3:00 in the library
Approximate time: 15-30 min. max.

Please contact Morgan Payne or Mrs. Torrise if you are not able to attend, but would like to help out!

Poetry Event Planning Update

We met today to discuss next Wednesday's poetry event, which will take place right after school in the music room. Morgan Payne will post an update regarding our meeting.

Here is an update of the items that I (Mrs. Torrise) will take care of.

1. Drinks: water juice
2. Food: pizza (Pizza man or Rozatti's)
3. Plates, cups, napkins

4. Butcher paper for mural (give to Lonnie)
5. Table, chairs, stool, carpet, lights
6. Microphone, amp, lights
7. Contact Mr. Hayes regarding yearbook (